Category: GBA Documents

Board of Directors Minutes of Jan 17, 2015

Georgia Barbecue Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2015

Jackson, Georgia


Called to order by Rick Godfrey

Attending:  Rick Godfrey, Alex Khoury, Danny Meadows, Greg Hoyt, Lois Sebastian, Jim Sewell, and Danny Evans.

Membership Present: Ed Vesely, Larry Greene, Chuck East, Bart Shipley, Carrie East, Julie Weprek, Cody Oakes, Ken Rose, Buddy Fletcher, Wayne Rosser, Connie Rosser, Peggy Grimes, Donnie Thurston, Lucy Sewell, Lonnie Smith, Harry Faircloth, Greg Sebastian, Scott Galt, David Carter, Jimmy Hogg, Dave Curran, Buster Davis


Action: Vote:
Motion:  Alex Khoury

Second:  Rick Godfrey

To approve the minutes from the August 2, 2014 Board meeting.



Motion:  Jim Sewell

Second:  Greg Hoyt

To edit the wording of the tie break procedure to improve clarity, as follows:

  • Compare the total score for TASTE. If tied, compare the number of 10’s in the criteria.
  • Compare the total score for TENDERNESS. If tied, compare the number of 10’s in the criteria.
  • Compare the total score for APPEARANCE. If tied, compare the number of 10’s in the criteria.
  • Compare the total score for OVERALL IMPRESSION. If tied, compare the number of 10’s in the criteria.
  • Flip a coin.


Motion:  Jim Sewell

Second:  Danny Meadows

To revise the Nomination/Election process as follows:

  • The Candidate Qualifying Period shall be from April 1 to April 15 of the year prior to the end of the current officers’ terms.
  • Any member in good standing may qualify to run for office by declaring their intent to run to the Chairman of the Board of Directors in writing by email or regular mail.
  • On or after April 16, the Chairman of the Board of Directors will announce the candidates for office to the membership via email and posting on the GBA’s website.
  • The voting period will be from June 1 to June 10.

Amendment: Jim Sewell

Second: Danny Meadows

To amend the motion as follows:

2)  Any member in good standing who has been a member of the GBA for at least one year prior to the Candidate Qualifying Period may qualify to run for office by declaring their intent to run to the Chairman of the Board of Directors in writing by email or regular mail.

Approved as amended


Motion:  Rick Godfrey

Second:  Greg Hoyt

To go into executive session



Motion:  Rick Godfrey

Second:  Greg Hoyt

To close executive session



Motion:  Rick Godfrey

Second:  Alex Khoury

To eliminate the position of Administrative Secretary.



Meeting adjourned

GBA Board of Directors to meet Aug 2


GBA Board of Directors to meet Aug 2

The Georgia Barbecue Association Board of Directors will meet on August 2, 2014 at 11:00 am.  The meeting will be held at:

Alderman Hall at Forsyth Welcome Center
68 North Lee Street
Forsyth, Georgia


The meeting is open to all active GBA members.  Any member wishing to address the board should contact Board Chairman Rick Godfrey. (click here to email)

 BOD tentative agenda 8-2-14

Board of Directors – January Agenda (Tentative)

Georgia Barbecue Association

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

January 4, 2014

Gray, Georgia

I.                   Call to Order………………………………………………………….Rick Godfrey

II.                Roll Call/Sign in………………………………………………………Alex Khoury

III.             Old Business

A.                Update on Team of the Year Awards Banquet  (DM)

B.                 GBA Laptop Acquisition  (JS)

C.                 Update on scoring program  (DM)

D.                Report from Membership Committee  (AK)

E.                 Report from Bylaws Committee  (AK)

F.                  Board Vacancy (RG)

IV.             New Business

A.                Consider proposals regarding judges:

1.                  Requiring GBA training for all judges  (JS)

2.                  Limiting number of judges  (JS)

3.                  Changing membership fee for judges  (RG)

4.                  Judge recognition  (RG)

B.                 Consider modifying the tiebreaker for Grand Champion  (RG)

V.                Executive Session

VI.             Adjourn Meeting………………………………………………………Rick Godfrey

Board of Directors Meeting

The Georgia Barbecue Association (GBA) Board of Directors will meet on Saturday, January 4, 2014.  The meeting will be held at Bradley Baptist Church 821 Monticello Hwy Gray Georgia 31032.  The meeting will begin at noon.   There will be a general session following by an executive session. The general session is open to all GBA members in good standing. The executive session will be a closed session for board members only. The agenda for the meeting is still be finalized & will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Any GBA member may submit items to be considered for inclusion on the agenda. Also, members wishing to address the board must submit the request prior to the agenda being finalized.  All agenda items or requests to address the board should be directed to Chairman Rick Godfrey at .


Board of Directors Agenda 9/6/2013


Georgia Barbecue Association

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

September 6, 2013

Fort Valley, Georgia

  1. Call to Order………………………………………………………….Rick Godfrey
  2. Roll Call/Sign in………………………………………………………Alex Khoury
  3. Old Business
    GBA Logo Policy
    Web Site Advertising
    Corporate Membership Details
    Additional Banners for Category Winners
    Motion to recognize TOY and “Top 5” in each category.  (GH)
    Year-End Banquet for Award Winners
    i. Motion to have a Team of the Year Awards Banquet.  (DM)
    Adopt Bylaw Amendments
    i. Motion to adopt Bylaws as amended last year.  (AK)
    j. Consideration of two proposals for the GBA. (DM)
  4. New Business
    a. Motions regarding recordings at Board meetings
        i. To prohibit the recording of GBA Board Meetings. (GH)
       ii. To allow Board secretary to record open portions of meetings to help prepare minutes.  (DE)
    b. Motion not to fill temporary Board vacancy at this time.  (AK)|
    c. Motion to require contests to pay down to 5 places.  (__)
        i. Proposed amendment to limit the applicability of this rule to contest with 25 or more teams.  (by JS)
    d. Motion to drop the comment card requirement for scores of 8.  (JS)
    e. Motion to adjust the 2013-2014 budget to reflect actual beginning balance and to correct various income and expense categories. (DM)
    f. Motion to track the number of times judges are selected to judge. (DM)
    g. Motion to suspend participation of the Pit Master of a team that fails to pay in full for participation in a GBA sanctioned event.  (GH)
    h. Motion to direct Lead Reps not to assign a seat to Judges who do not answer roll call in person at the Judges meeting.  (GH)
    i. Bylaw Revisions
       i. Motion to create a Bylaws Committee to study and recommend revisions to Bylaws.  (DM)
      ii. Proposal/Motion to amend Article 4, Sec. 8 and Article 5, Sec. 9 of the Bylaws.   (AK)
     iii. Proposal/Motion to amend Articles 12, 13, and 14 of the Bylaws.  (GH)
  5. Adjorn Meeting………………………………………………………Rick Godfrey