Change Notice for Grande Creek Pig Jam

swainsborologoChange Notice for Grande Creek Pig Jam

The 2014 Grande Creek Pig Jam will be moving the contest date to September 19-20, 2014.  The contest will again be held at the Georgia Sports Arena.  The BBQ contest will be part of a great, new bluegrass festival.  The GBA is proud to once again sanction this contest. The addition of some fantastic bluegrass music will make this an event not to be missed.

Board of Directors – January Agenda (Tentative)

Georgia Barbecue Association

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

January 4, 2014

Gray, Georgia

I.                   Call to Order………………………………………………………….Rick Godfrey

II.                Roll Call/Sign in………………………………………………………Alex Khoury

III.             Old Business

A.                Update on Team of the Year Awards Banquet  (DM)

B.                 GBA Laptop Acquisition  (JS)

C.                 Update on scoring program  (DM)

D.                Report from Membership Committee  (AK)

E.                 Report from Bylaws Committee  (AK)

F.                  Board Vacancy (RG)

IV.             New Business

A.                Consider proposals regarding judges:

1.                  Requiring GBA training for all judges  (JS)

2.                  Limiting number of judges  (JS)

3.                  Changing membership fee for judges  (RG)

4.                  Judge recognition  (RG)

B.                 Consider modifying the tiebreaker for Grand Champion  (RG)

V.                Executive Session

VI.             Adjourn Meeting………………………………………………………Rick Godfrey

Board of Directors Meeting

The Georgia Barbecue Association (GBA) Board of Directors will meet on Saturday, January 4, 2014.  The meeting will be held at Bradley Baptist Church 821 Monticello Hwy Gray Georgia 31032.  The meeting will begin at noon.   There will be a general session following by an executive session. The general session is open to all GBA members in good standing. The executive session will be a closed session for board members only. The agenda for the meeting is still be finalized & will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Any GBA member may submit items to be considered for inclusion on the agenda. Also, members wishing to address the board must submit the request prior to the agenda being finalized.  All agenda items or requests to address the board should be directed to Chairman Rick Godfrey at .


Cooking With Stump Takes Grand with Perfect Loin Score

Cooking With Stump Takes Grand with Perfect Loin Score


Cooking with Stump

The Cooking with Stump team of Walter “Stump”  & Tab “Mama Stump McDowell racked up a perfect 600 score in the Pork Loin Finals to capture the Grand Championship at the Moultrie Moose Lodge BBQ Contest.  Pitmaster Joe Wright of Bethel Smokers, made finals in all three categories to claim the Reserve Grand Championship.

Cooking with Stump’s perfect score lead the way in Pork Loin. Bethel Smokers took second place with Colquitt Cookers in third place. In fourth place was 92 BBQ who was 1 point better than Sauced Hogs Smoke Shack in fifth place.

Bethel Smokers

Bethel Smokers

92 BBQ took top honors in Pulled Pork. Bethel Smokers once again was second with Barbecue Crew in third place. Sunset Smokers took home fourth place. Jethro’s Cooking Crew took 5th place by winning the tiebreaker over Sauced Hogs Smoke Shack.

Colquitt Cookers missed a perfect score in the Ribs Finals by 0.3 of a point to take first in the category. Bethel Smokers was runnerup for the third time. Just Smokin’ Around took third place. Sunset Smokers claimed fourth place. Lightnin’ Strike BBQ rounded out the top five.

The GBA will take a few weeks off for the holidays then swing back into action with the Jekyll Island BBQ Beach Bash on January 31 – February 1, 2014.


Moultrie Moose Lodge Results

scores in 1st, 2nd, & 3rd places are final round scores. scores from 4th down are preliminary round scores

1 600 Cookin W Stumps 1 598.5 92 BBQ
2 598.5 Bethel Smokers 2 596.4 Bethel Smokers
3 584 Colquitt Cookers 3 594.5 Barbecue Crew
4 591.2 92 BBQ 4 593.9 Sunset Smokers
5 590.2 Sauced Hog Smoke Shack 5 590.2 Jethro’s Cooking Crew
6 586.6 Swine Time Grilling team 6 590.2 Sauced Hog Smoke Shack
7 586.6 Double D Cooking Team 7 586.3 Swine Time Grilling team
8 585.6 Smoklin 42 BBQ 8 585.4 Colquitt Cookers
9 584 Barbeque Crew 9 583.9 Cookin W Stumps
10 581.7 Sunset Smokers 10 583 Smoklin 42 BBQ
11 580.7 Hungry Hog BBQ 11 582.4 Hungry Hog BBQ
12 576.2 Lightnin Strike 12 581.8 Double D Cooking Team
13 565.5 Jethro’s Cooking Crew 13 577.1 Lightnin Strike
14 563.6 Just Smoke “N” Around BBQ 14 566.9 Just Smoke “N” Around BBQ


1 599.7 Colquitt Cookers
2 588.5 Bethel Smokers
3 576.3 Just Smoke “N” Around BBQ
4 591.2 Sunset Smokers
5 590.9 Lightnin Strike
6 589.3 Smoklin 42 BBQ
7 583 Jethro’s Cooking Crew
8 580.5 Swine Time Grilling team
9 580 Barbeque Crew
10 580 Sauced Hog Smoke Shack
11 579 92 BBQ
12 577.4 Hungry Hog BBQ
13 576.1 Cookin W Stumps
14 567.2 Double D Cooking Team


Reserve Scores
Loin Pulled Ribs Total
1 Bethel Smokers 591.6 594.9 592.8 1779.3
2 Colquitt Cookers 595.1 585.4 595.4 1775.9
3 Sunset Smokers 581.7 593.9 591.2 1766.8
4 92 BBQ 591.2 596.1 579 1766.3
5 Sauced Hog Smoke Shack 590.2 590.2 580 1760.4
6 Cookin W Stumps 599.7 583.9 576.1 1759.7
7 Barbeque Crew 584 594.5 580 1758.5
8 Smoklin 42 BBQ 585.6 583 589.3 1757.9
9 Swine Time Grilling team 586.6 586.3 580.5 1753.4
10 Lightnin Strike 576.2 577.1 590.9 1744.2
11 Hungry Hog BBQ 580.7 582.4 577.4 1740.5
12 Jethro’s Cooking Crew 565.5 590.2 583 1738.7
13 Double D Cooking Team 586.6 581.8 567.2 1735.6
14 Just Smoke “N” Around BBQ 563.6 566.9 595.2 1725.7

Update on BBQ Pitmasters Casting Call


A reminder about the BBQ Pitmasters Season 5 Casting Call. Please note the deadline for video submissions has been moved up to Dec 29, 2013