Officer Nominations for 2013-2015 Updated
As of June 25, 2013, the following have been nominated for Officers for the 2013-2015 term. Names are listed in alphabetical order.
President: Danny Meadows; Jimmy Nelms
Vice President: Jim Sewell; Ed Vesely
Secretary: Audrey Evans; Pam Nelms
Any member in good standing can be nominated for the office of President, Vice-President or Secretary. You must first ask the person you nominate if they are willing to accept your nomination. After they agree then you will contact Pam Nelms at and make your nomination. Nominations will close at midnight on June 31, 2013.
Voting will begin on July 8, 2013. You will go to the Georgia Barbecue Association web site at On the front page click on the link: “GBA Elections” and follow the instructions. Your ballot will REQUIRE that you enter your GBA member #, so have it handy. Use of the membership # is to insure only one vote per member is cast. To maintain confidentiality of the vote, only two people will have access to the ballots. Voting will end on August 5th 2013.