To All Georgia Barbecue Association Members
Subject: The election of officers for the 2013-2015 cook season. This IS a two year term.
Nominations will begin June 10, 2013. Any member in good standing can be nominated for the office of President, Vice-President or Secretary. You must first ask the person you nominate if they are willing to accept your nomination.
After they agree then you will contact Pam Nelms at and make your nomination. Nominations will close at midnight on June 31, 2013.
Voting will begin on July 8, 2013. You will go to the Georgia Barbecue Association web site at On the front page click on the link: “GBA Elections” and follow the instructions. Your ballot will REQUIRE that you enter your GBA member #, so have it handy. Use of the membership # is to insure only one vote per member is cast. To maintain confidentiality of the vote, only two people will have access to the ballots. Voting will end on August 5th 2013.
The new officers will be notified around August 12th so they can begin preparations to take office at The Georgia Barbecue Association State Championship, The ComSouth Hambone Jam, in Ft Valley Georgia on September, 6th & 7th, 2013.
There are several things to remember:
If you are a member of a cook team, you can not cook with that team for the duration of your office. If you are a judge, you can not judge for the duration of your office.
The office of President and Vice-President will require fielding many inquires about cooking competitions. It requires you to visit locations for potential new contests and speak to event organizers and/or sponsors.
The President or Vice President will determine if a new location has a site suitable to host a GBA contest. ie: do they have adequate water, electricity etc.
Other duties include organizing schedules so that you don’t schedule too many events in a month or in conflict to other association’s events that may hurt your schedule.
The President will assign Lead Reps and supporting staff in a manner that is in the best interest of the GBA and the event.
It is important that your elected officers are in attendance at all sanctioned GBA events whenever possible.
This is not all of the demands of these offices, but these are some of the more important ones and should be carefully considered when making or accepting a nomination.
If any one has any questions regarding the election process or and duties of the officers, please do not hesitate to give me a call @ 478-731-0145.
Harry Faircloth, President
The Georgia Barbecue Association, where
It’s All About The Taste!